Frequently Asked Questions

Can we assist you? Find answers to common questions about FurryChat. If your question isn't answered here, please contact us.

Chatting without an Account

Chatting on FurryChat is entirely free! Whether with or without an account, you don't need to register. Click on "Chat Now" and then log in as a guest.

Chatting with a Profile

Chatting with a profile has more benefits than without. Your name is registered, allowing you to add friends, turn off private messages for members/guests, or keep them open only for your friends. You can upload your profile picture, give your name a different color, customize the color of your text, send gifs, or share interesting videos from YouTube.

Slow or Laggy Chat

If the chat is slow on your device, there are possible causes and solutions:

  • Check if your device has an internet connection.
  • Clear your device's cache and cookies.
  • Try your device on a different network to see if the issue is resolved.
  • If the issue persists, report it through our contact form or speak to an admin.
Forgot Chatbox Password

Go to the chatbox login screen and click on the login button. In the login window that appears, click on the 'forgot password' link. Follow the instructions provided.

Uploading Photos in the Chatbox

Whether with or without a profile, everyone can upload images to the chat.

Consequences of Breaking House Rules

Refer to our terms and house rules. We expect users to adhere to these rules. If you use offensive language, repeatedly violate the rules, and refuse to change your behavior, we may block your internet address.

Privacy of Private Conversations

No, private conversations cannot be read by others. However, all text typed in private conversations goes through a filter or spam filter. If certain words are used for advertising, spamming, or profanity, the filters may automatically mute or ban you.

Banishment from the Chat

Unfortunately, you have been banned from the chat. If you receive this message and believe the ban is unjust, contact us through the contact form in the menu.

Getting Kicked from the Chat

You have been kicked from the chat. A kick means you cannot chat for 1 minute or up to 30 days.

Muted in the Chat

Unfortunately, you have been muted by the system or one of the administrators. Duration of a mute can vary, with system mutes typically lasting 5 minutes, and admin-assigned mutes depending on the nature of the incident.

Becoming a Moderator

We regularly look for moderators to assist our chatters. Send an email through our contact form explaining why you want to be a moderator. Include the number of hours you are available and the times (morning, afternoon, evening, and night).